
Keine Ankündigung bisher.

No German tax number / ID and thus unable to access the Grundsteuererklärung form

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    No German tax number / ID and thus unable to access the Grundsteuererklärung form

    Hi all -

    First of all, sorry for writing in English, but my German is so rudimentary that this is probably the best way to participate and communicate.

    We live abroad and have a second residence in Berlin, and we've never received a German tax ID. I registered with Elster a couple of days ago and while all that went well, I've no way of accessing any of the forms needed for the Erklärung without the ID. I then tried to use the apartment tax number instead of a personal one, but that doesn't work, so I changed my account type into an institutional / business one to see if that helps. The change was successful per se, but I was then informed that the tax authorities will send us a letter containing an activation code into our Berlin address - and we absolutely can't get ahold of said letter in time for the Erklärung!

    So what shall I do? Thanks for any information you folks could give me!


    Zuletzt geändert von msalama; 04.01.2023, 04:46.