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Registrierungsfehler bei Codeabfrage

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    Registrierungsfehler bei Codeabfrage

    I have been trying to create an account for a month now since I had to fix some data with my finanzamt. I am an Italian that lived in germany for 5 years and last summer I moved out to Spain. I provided my finanzamt all the information about my move and they confirmed via email that all the data has been introduced and say:

    Hiermit teile ich Ihnen im Namen unseres ELSTER-Beauftragten mit, dass Ihre spanische Anschrift in Ihrem Steuerkonto gespeichert wurde und dass eine Anmeldung über ELSTER nun möglich ist.
    As italian I never needed and never had a residence permit and I dont have a Germany ID so I cant create an account with the Nect wallet app.

    If I try to do with the Identifikationsnummer. At the point of the registration where I should be getting an email code and a code in mail, I am always getting the following message:

    Your registration was unsuccessful.

    Error number: 082005225
    Error text: The registration with identification number cannot be performed on the basis of your registration data. Please contact the competent authority responsible for the support of ELSTER in your State. A list can be found in the info assistant.