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Taxes from the Netherlands and the 30% Ruling

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    Taxes from the Netherlands and the 30% Ruling

    Hello All,
    I have some questions about my taxes if somebody could help me I would appreciate. :-)

    I have come to Germany on July 2013 from the Netherlands where I had income until 30.06.2013 with the 30% ruling. Now I am requested to do my 2013 taxes in Germany because I need to declare what I earned in Germany due to the progressionsvorbehalt (clause 32b).

    I am trying to do my taxes with ElsterFormular online - I can also do it with a PC, but I started it online

    I have some questions:
    1) What forms do I need to fill ? I beleive I need a AUS form to declare my Dutch income, but do I need to add any other form to fill in my Germany income in any form or does the Finance in Germany are already aware of that ?

    2) Since I had the 30% ruling in the Netherlands (meaning I am only taxed over 70% on my income and only 70% is used for my pension, etc...). Do I declare all 100% or only the 70% of my income from the Netherlands when I am filling in the foreign income in the AUS form.

    3) Do I need to attach the receipts of the salary, or only the Yearly tax data from the Dutch Finance is enough?

    Many Thanks,

    P.S.- Sorry for not writing in Gerrman, but I am still struggling with it:P
    Zuletzt geändert von azynheira; 06.08.2015, 13:21.

    AW: Taxes from the Netherlands and the 30% Ruling


