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Making the Tax declaration from Ausland

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    Making the Tax declaration from Ausland


    I will explain my situation: I worked in Germany and made my tax declaration in the last 3 years, exactly in Karlsruhe. Last year I left Germany to come back to Spain and I am in the situation that I want to make the tax declaration from Elster and I don't understand where to do.

    I worked 7 months in 2015 in Germany and 5 in Spain. I paid taxes in both but if I understood well, I have to make the tax declaration in Germany because I worked more there.

    And now the problem is that I have no idea from where I have to start in Elster. I guess I have to make one Anlage N for my German period and another Anlage N for my Spanish period. Is that correct?

    Can someone tell me where do I have to start to make the SteuerErklärung?

    Thanks a lot for your time,

