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Elster is good for Tax Return

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    Elster is good for Tax Return

    I didn't look at any of softwares before, so I don't know if it easy, maybe you know - if husband and wife need to submit info together (because of 3/5 tax classes I was told tax report is mandatory together, but I don't know what exactly together means), how this software do that? Single report for two people together or you use two reports, and send two times to tax office and that way you fulfilled obligation that both need to do the report?

    Or would recommendations for first time be hiring someone? And can that verein be used for that, situation of husband working, wife not, and they both came in the middle of the year, previously worked in other eu country. Or such case needs Steuerberater?

    I keep seeing many people asking for steuerberater, but I think they're mostly freelancers so they have to have steuerberater, if I understand correctly. But I can't find who can/must use this verein help, or these programs mentioned in this topic...

    Maybe you or someone else know?

    AW: Elster is good for Tax Return

    You can make one declaration for both husband and wife with ElsterFormular, and then let the software check if separated declarations would be more beneficial.


      AW: Elster is good for Tax Return

      You can make one declaration for both husband and wife with ElsterFormular, and then let the software check if separated declarations would be more beneficial.

      Link entfernt!

      thankyou so much!!
      Zuletzt geändert von Charlie24; 22.08.2019, 21:24.


        AW: Elster is good for Tax Return

        Warten wir mal ab, ob noch weitere Spam-Links kommen!
        Freundliche Grüße

        Wichtig: Fast jeder Steuerpflichtige hat Vorsorgeaufwendungen (z.B. Beiträge zur Krankenversicherung) und muss deshalb seiner Einkommensteuererklärung die Anlage Vorsorgeaufwand hinzufügen und auch ausfüllen!
        Bitte bei Fragen zur Grundsteuer immer das Bundesland angeben !


          AW: Elster is good for Tax Return

          Zitat von Charlie24 Beitrag anzeigen
          Warten wir mal ab, ob noch weitere Spam-Links kommen!
          Dacht ich mir schon fast. Komischerweise scheint das der neueste Trend zu sein, Loblieder auf Elster in englischer Sprache. Immerhin scheint sich da jemand mal ein bisschen Arbeit gemacht zu haben

