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neugeboren - are my data updated?

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    neugeboren - are my data updated?

    Hello I'm new of Elster Portal.

    My baby has born last 21th December 2013, after that I was in Finanzamt to get the Steurernummer of my son. Unfortunately my son was still not reported in the system.
    The clerk in the Finanzamt office told me "Hey, you don't need to come here to get this information, you can do this online from your home!".

    Now I'm registered on the Elster online portal, but I cannot understand how to check if my data (number of kinder and Steuernummer of my son) are updated or not.

    Should I apply for some special formular? There is no any "general overview" of my tax-data that I can see online?

    Thanks in advance for any help!
    Giulio Buccini - Muenchen

    AW: neugeboren - are my data updated?

    two different problems.

    The Steuer-ID from your son he will get automatically with a (paper-) letter. The Standesamt of your city give his birth date to the Bundeszentralamt für Steuern, they create the ID. Wait a little bit.

    At this time he is in the System and you could check online your elstam-Daten again (number of children). You need your Steuer-ID.


      AW: neugeboren - are my data updated?

      Problem 1:
      Until now no letter from Standesamt. Anyway I will wait. Danke!

      Problem 2:
      I know my Steur-ID but... I cannot find where elstam-Daten are. I mean... after login I have this menu:

      Privater Bereich
      > Startseite
      > Formulare
      > Profile
      > Dienste
      > Konto verwalten
      > Konto loeschen

      I was jumping/clicking in and out, up and down, but cannot see how recall my elstam-Daten...


        AW: neugeboren - are my data updated?

        You should find it in Dienste. The first link: Auskunft zur elektronischen Lohnsteuerkarte.

        The link will only be active if you registered yourself using your Identifikationsnummer, not by your Steuernummer.


          AW: neugeboren - are my data updated?

          Zitat von buccini Beitrag anzeigen
          Hello I'm new of Elster Portal.

          My baby has born last 21th December 2013, after that I was in Finanzamt to get the Steurernummer of my son. Unfortunately my son was still not reported in the system.
          The clerk in the Finanzamt office told me "Hey, you don't need to come here to get this information, you can do this online from your home!".

          Now I'm registered on the Elster online portal, but I cannot understand how to check if my data (number of kinder and Steuernummer of my son) are updated or not.

          Should I apply for some special formular? There is no any "general overview" of my tax-data that I can see online?

          Thanks in advance for any help!
          Giulio Buccini - Muenchen

          Hi Giulio Buccini,

          please notice the following Info:

          Wann bekomme ich die IdNr für mein Neugeborenes?

          Das BZSt teilt Ihrem Kind die IdNr zu, sobald die Meldebehörde dem BZSt die benötigten Daten übermittelt hat.

          Sollte Ihrem Kind nach drei Monaten noch keine IdNr mitgeteilt worden sein, können Sie dem BZSt die persönlichen Daten Ihres Kindes (Name, Vorname, Anschrift (Straße, Hausnummer, Postleitzahl, Wohnort), Geburtsdatum, Geburtsort) mitteilen. Das BZSt wird sich dann mit der Meldebehörde in Verbindung setzen und Ihrem Kind die IdNr mitteilen.

          Yours truly


            AW: neugeboren - are my data updated?

            Wait 1 more month.
            If you don't get the ID-Number after 1 more month then you can ask for it here:


              AW: neugeboren - are my data updated?

              Zitat von L. E. Fant Beitrag anzeigen
              You should find it in Dienste. The first link: Auskunft zur elektronischen Lohnsteuerkarte.

              The link will only be active if you registered yourself using your Identifikationsnummer, not by your Steuernummer.
              It works! Danke sehr mister Fant, I've got my general data finally.


                AW: neugeboren - are my data updated?

                Thanks Hagen-Gronert and "Elser-tester" too,

                my child seems still not registered, so I will wait until 1 month expires (21th January). After that I will go to Finanzamt or I will use the online formular of the BZSt.
                Waiting for 3 months seems decisedly too much...


                  AW: neugeboren - are my data updated?

                  Zitat von buccini Beitrag anzeigen
                  Thanks Hagen-Gronert and "Elser-tester" too,

                  my child seems still not registered, so I will wait until 1 month expires (21th January). After that I will go to Finanzamt or I will use the online formular of the BZSt.
                  Waiting for 3 months seems decisedly too much...

                  Hi buccini,

                  that's ok

                  Yours truly
                  Hagen - Gronert


                    AW: neugeboren - are my data updated?

                    Zitat von buccini Beitrag anzeigen
                    It works! Danke sehr mister Fant, I've got my general data finally.

