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Anlage N, Angaben zum Arbeitslohn

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    Anlage N, Angaben zum Arbeitslohn


    In the section Anlag N, i was filling the info directly from the lohnsteuerbescheinigung, but now the fields are different,
    for example i cannot find where to put :

    22. Arbeitgeber anteil,A) zur gestelich Rentenversicherung
    23. Arbeitnehmer A) zur gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung
    24.Steuerfrei arbeitgeber, A)zur gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung

    Thank you

    Social security contributions and other insurance payments have to be filled into the Anlage Vorsorgeaufwand.


      Thanks for the reply but i still cannot find it,
      in Elstr application, it was exactly the same as my lohnsteuerbescheinigung from my company
      but in meineelstr, i found Anlage Vorsorgeaufwand but the one there is for :Arbeitnehmerbeiträge laut Lohnsteuerbescheinigung
      Im lost


        Yes, unfortunately you have to collect the right lines in Mein Elster by yourself. There's no such help like in ElsterFormular.

        But if you look at Anlage Vorsorgeaufwand, you'll see that there are hints what to enter into the different fields, e.g. in line 4: Arbeitnehmeranteil laut Nummer 23 a/b der Lohnsteuerbescheinigung


          Thank you for the help, another question in Line 4, Arbeitnehmeranteil laut Nummer 23 a/b der Lohnsteuerbescheinigung, when i try to put the some like , 3.111,20 it refuses, he wants me to remove all comma , what we should do in this case


            You have to round it to an integer amount in a way it's an advantage for you, i.e. costs in general rounded up, earnings in general down.


              Thank you for the repl,
              Zuletzt geändert von emy_hmh; 12.02.2021, 16:12.

