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kz09 box

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    kz09 box


    I need to know what the box kz09 means in German VAT Declaration, in my case I have this number there 21709.

    Someone has a document with the explanation of all boxes?

    Thanks for your help

    Do you mean the Umsatzsteuer-Voranmeldung or the Umsatzsteuererklärung? The Umsatzsteuererklärung has regerence numbers of three digits, the Umsatzsteuer-Voranmeldung numbers of two digits.

    I can't find the box 09 in the Umsatzsteuer-Voranmeldung. To find the meaning of the numbers, you can use a search engine searching for 'Amtlicher Vordruck Umsatzsteuervoranmeldung 2021' (for instance) and look at the form itself.



      This is part of the XML file just after the Steuernummer. From point of view of our ERP editor (which is Infor Ln), this code is a manufacturer code, which was assigned by ‘Bayerisches Landesamt für Steuern’. This code number is 21709 and will be filled up with stars to 10 characters.
      The code must be set in the tax declaration master to identify the origin of the tax declaration.
      During initialize with a German tax office the manufacturer code will be defaulted already 21709*****,
      Do you have more information about this field (kz09)? Is this related to the collection office? The company is located in Bavaria,



        Hello kde ,

        <Kz09> contains a five digit manufacturer ID (German: Hersteller-ID) which identifies who developed the software for transmission to ELSTER. In your case it identifies the ERP system you are using (Infor Ln).

        The Kz09 is irrelevant for you as an end-user. It is not related to the collection tax office. It solely related to the software developer who created the software you are using. It shouldn't be visible for you in the first place. I assume, that due to a bug/glitch in the software it visible for you, as the manufacturer added 5 stars after the ID, instead of replacing those digits. You shouldn't share the manufacturer ID here. And you probably should inform the support team of the software to make them aware of this.
        Schöne Grüße
        Krzysztof Zembrowski


          Thanks Schöne


