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Wenn der Kanzleiname leer ist, muss eine Person als Person A verknüpft sein

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    Wenn der Kanzleiname leer ist, muss eine Person als Person A verknüpft sein

    hello all. Going a bit crazy here as I keep trying to create my MAGPIE elster profile and when I fill everything out this keeps appearing: "Wenn der Kanzleiname leer ist, muss eine Person als Person A verknüpft sein" -- i've tried leaving it blank, adding my name, or adding 'person A' to the field ' Sind Sie Steuerberater/in?" even tho i'm not a tax consultant. please help! xx

    You must fill in the section Personen mit Mein Profil verknüpfen. If you are not a tax consultant, then you shouldn't make entries concerning the Steuerberater.


      Yes I know - but they won't let me leave the space blank


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          It is like the message says: If the name of Steuerberater-Kanzlei is empty, the profile has to be connected to a person. Thus, as you obviously aren't a Steuerberater, you must connect the profile to a person.


            Did you solve your problem? I m in the same loop as you, and I think that Person A and B are for married couples or not?


              Here, the term Person A is simply a synonym for Steuerpflichtiger. When you edit the profile, you have to choose Rolle from a dropdown-menu. The Rolle can be Person A.

