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UK Tax number not accepted by Elster

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    UK Tax number not accepted by Elster

    Hi there !

    Just came here to ask for assistance,

    UK sole trader here and I earn money from Germany

    I am trying to fill out the form ''Registration of the tax deduction according to § 50a EStG (from 2014)''

    When asked for my tax number, I add my UK tax number here and Elster tells me that it is not a valid tax number

    Grateful for any advice

    Thanks in advance !!

    Is it the form Anmeldung über den Steuerabzug zur Sicherung des Steueranspruchs bei einer beschränkt steuerpflichtigen Person?

    As far as I understand this, your german customer has to pay you your royalty after deduction of tax. Her then declares this to his Finanzamt, with his german tax number.

