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    I am married and I make tax declaration together with my wife (she does not have any income)
    I am working with 2 banks so there are 2 Freistellungsauftrag.
    I sold shares and I got paid Kapitalertragsteuer, Solidaritätzuschlag and Kirchensteuer auf Kapitalertragsteuer.
    I am now out of church, just declared this year at beginning, how can I get back Kirchensteuer auf Kapitalertragsteuer?
    Normally I do not pay Solidaritätzuschlag, should I anyway pay Solidaritätzuschlag auf Kapitalertragsteuer?
    I know I must pay Kapitalertragsteuer (25%) on what I earn from selling shares, I consumed all the Freistellungsauftrag from the bank, but not yet all the Freistellungauftrag of 2000€ I have right (one part is also on the other bank), how can I be sure that for 2024 I truly consider 2000€ of Freistellungsauftrag with all earning from operation in the 2 banks?

    This is not a question about Elster.

    Zitat von medicol Beitrag anzeigen
    I sold shares and I got paid Kapitalertragsteuer, Solidaritätzuschlag and Kirchensteuer
    I assume you haven't got paid Kapitalertragssteuer, but paid it. If you paid too much Kapitalertragssteuer, Solidatirtätszuschlag or Kirchensteuer, you can get it back with the tax declaration. Concerning the Solidatirtätszuschlag, there is no exemption limit for capital income. If the tax declaration shows that your tax rate is low enough, you might get the Solidatirtätszuschlag back.


      yes I paid more than what I must due to the fact of Freischaltung of other bank

