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Missing activation code letter for Elster

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    Missing activation code letter for Elster

    Hi there, I am applying for Elster, I based in UK and seems would never receive the letter. Contacted Elsteronline, they insisted only sending post to the registered address which is in UK, not even to authorized representative in Germany. Now I am contacting the related tax office in Germany, hoping they can give me some positive answer. I can't speak German, so only emailed them... 1 week passed and no answer...Any idea about this case please?

    AW: Missing activation code letter for Elster

    Zitat von ericlanser Beitrag anzeigen
    Hi there, I am applying for Elster, I based in UK and seems would never receive the letter. Contacted Elsteronline, they insisted only sending post to the registered address which is in UK, not even to authorized representative in Germany. Now I am contacting the related tax office in Germany, hoping they can give me some positive answer. I can't speak German, so only emailed them... 1 week passed and no answer...Any idea about this case please?
    I don't speak English.
    It's necassairy for ...?

    Maybe, the "Zentralstelle" of your Taxoffice can help you.
    Zuletzt geändert von stiller; 27.04.2019, 08:34.
    Gruss (S)stiller
    Bitte Fragen in das etwa zutreffende Unterforum stellen.
    ELSTER ELektronische STeuer ERklärung.
    Bitte prüfen Sie Ihre Software ständig auf Updates.
    Mein Elster (MEL) wird ab VZ 2020 das non plus ultra sein!
    Das BZST unterstützt auch das Elsterzertifikat, hat aber eigene Bereiche.
    Irren ist menschlich. Aber wenn man richtig Mist bauen will, braucht man einen Computer. (Dan Rather)


      AW: Missing activation code letter for Elster

      First, yes, there should be one of the german tax offices responsible for UK-citizens. If they don't answer english mails - they really don't have to.

      Did you give your physical address in your mail? Because without your written permission, they wouldn't be allowed to give infomation by mail.

      You write about an authorized representive in Germany. Isn't it possible for this representive to send tax declarations for you, with his own certificate?


        AW: Missing activation code letter for Elster

        Eine Antwort des Finanzamts innerhalb einer Woche zu erwarten, ist meiner Meinung nach realitätsfremd.
        Freundliche Grüße

        Wichtig: Fast jeder Steuerpflichtige hat Vorsorgeaufwendungen (z.B. Beiträge zur Krankenversicherung) und muss deshalb seiner Einkommensteuererklärung die Anlage Vorsorgeaufwand hinzufügen und auch ausfüllen!
        Bitte bei Fragen zur Grundsteuer immer das Bundesland angeben !


          AW: Missing activation code letter for Elster

          Hallo ericlanser,

          maybe have some patience, official language is now German and it finds sim in the competent tax office someone who answers as a service in English.


