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The tax laws in Germany permit only accountants and associations called "Lohnsteuerhilfeverein" to help you with the tax return. In Berlin you will certainly find them.
There's an extra subforum for questions concerning ElsterOnline. Here you posted in ElsterFormular. If you have any questions concerning Elster - the electronic tax declaration, you can refer to the appropriate subforum.
The tax laws in Germany permit only accountants and associations called "Lohnsteuerhilfeverein" to help you with the tax return. In Berlin you will certainly find them.
Thanks - but these people won't help freelancers, unfortunately...
There's an extra subforum for questions concerning ElsterOnline. Here you posted in ElsterFormular. If you have any questions concerning Elster - the electronic tax declaration, you can refer to the appropriate subforum.
Could someone help me with completing my tax return for 2015?
I'm a freelance English teacher based in Berlin, and I need some help completing the Elster Online form to declare my income for 2015 (I'm actually under the threshold so don't owe any tax). Could someone please help me?
In Germany the law is astronomical...
shit happens
self-made-man = Steuerberater
working class = Lohnsteuerhilfeverein or Steuerberater
Zuletzt geändert von stiller; 18.03.2016, 18:04.
Grund: or
Gruss (S)stiller
Bitte Fragen in das etwa zutreffende Unterforum stellen.
ELSTER ELektronische STeuer ERklärung.
Bitte prüfen Sie Ihre Software ständig auf Updates.
Mein Elster (MEL) wird ab VZ 2020 das non plus ultra sein!
Das BZST unterstützt auch das Elsterzertifikat, hat aber eigene Bereiche.
Irren ist menschlich. Aber wenn man richtig Mist bauen will, braucht man einen Computer. (Dan Rather)
Gruss (S)stiller
Bitte Fragen in das etwa zutreffende Unterforum stellen.
ELSTER ELektronische STeuer ERklärung.
Bitte prüfen Sie Ihre Software ständig auf Updates.
Mein Elster (MEL) wird ab VZ 2020 das non plus ultra sein!
Das BZST unterstützt auch das Elsterzertifikat, hat aber eigene Bereiche.
Irren ist menschlich. Aber wenn man richtig Mist bauen will, braucht man einen Computer. (Dan Rather)
Hello Johnny,
I'd like to advise you to the Datei - Bearbeiten - Belegabruf - INPUT MODE Interview.
You can fill out the forms in the way of a questionnaire then.
For the different terms I'd rather advise you to Linguee ( http://www.linguee.de/deutsch-englisch ) than this Goggle-Translator thing.
Or much better than this even to https://www.datev.de/dnlexom/api/v40...y/h1036092.pdf,
a dictionary from page 1 line 5 ( For change of residence: prior tax office ) to page 2 line 51 of schedule SO ( Negative income in 2014 from private disposals of capital assets not offset in 2013 under § 10d para. 1 EStG should be limited as follows ).
This dictionary is for the 2014 forms but the line numbers change rarely and in questionnaire mode you'll fly thru these forms
Don't forget to do a forecast on your income tax. If this seems to be reasonable, no income left undeclared and no deduction unclaimed - give it a try. The tax authorities will call you if anything seems unreasonable. If the ElsterFormular software doesn't find any contradictions, there shouldn't be one.
Hello Johnny,
I'd like to advise you to the Datei - Bearbeiten - Belegabruf - INPUT MODE Interview.
You can fill out the forms in the way of a questionnaire then.
For the different terms I'd rather advise you to Linguee ( http://www.linguee.de/deutsch-englisch ) than this Goggle-Translator thing.
Or much better than this even to https://www.datev.de/dnlexom/api/v40...y/h1036092.pdf,
a dictionary from page 1 line 5 ( For change of residence: prior tax office ) to page 2 line 51 of schedule SO ( Negative income in 2014 from private disposals of capital assets not offset in 2013 under § 10d para. 1 EStG should be limited as follows ).
This dictionary is for the 2014 forms but the line numbers change rarely and in questionnaire mode you'll fly thru these forms
Don't forget to do a forecast on your income tax. If this seems to be reasonable, no income left undeclared and no deduction unclaimed - give it a try. The tax authorities will call you if anything seems unreasonable. If the ElsterFormular software doesn't find any contradictions, there shouldn't be one.
Or call back for more help.
I might do - but in the meantime this is enormously helpful.